
Free English Classes

English Class Banner

Our award-winning English Language program has been operating since 1994 and has successfully taught English to hundreds of immigrants. Program participants learn essential communication skills that are key to obtaining long-term employment and to be civically engaged in the community. We now also offer a digital literacy (computer skills) class.

Our in person classes are multi-level and students of all levels are welcome. Also, join Casa Latina’s English Class Facebook Page for a free once a week Live Stream class. Connect and join our English Class page for resources, class videos, announcements and other supplement material.

Class schedule below:

Monday: 7:30 AM & 9:00 AM & 6:00 PM (Starts 1/8/2024 | *No hay clases el lunes 15 de enero ni el lunes 19 de febrero)
Tuesday: 7:30 AM & 9:00 AM
Wednesday: 7:30 AM & 9:00 AM
Friday: 7:30 AM


Digital Literacy (computer skills) class schedule below:

Friday: 9:00 AM




If you are interested in volunteering for this program, please visit our volunteer page.

Questions? Please contact our Education Coordinator Suzanne Bottelli at suzanne@casa-latina.org

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