This past Thursday, February 16 Casa Latina joined our coalition partners and over 150 participants for the Immigrant & Refugee Advocacy Day in Olympia, Washington. The energy was strong and the presence of our community was felt!
Nine Casa Latina members met with our elected leaders to speak on behalf of issues that matter most to our communities such as the importance of Health Equity for Immigrants and Unemployment Insurance for Undocumented Workers.
Health Equity for Immigrants would provide equal access to healthcare for all Washingtonians, regardless of immigration status.
Unemployment Insurance for Undocumented Workers would provide equitable access to our state social safety net. Workers already pay into our general fund but cannot access it due to immigration restrictions.

We urged our representatives to not only support these pieces of legislation, but to stand with our communities and fight for equitable rights and protections for all workers. Will you join us by taking action below?
Use the District Finder link to find your district representative.
“When we are united by a common cause, we are stronger! It is very important to advocate for our communities and I felt very privileged to represent our people.” – Lourdes

“I got involved because I wanted to learn more about the process, I’m excited to continue growing my leadership skills and be a voice for my community.”-Elizabeth

Thanks for all you do to build power for our comunidad. Together, we continue working collectively to make our voices heard and push for equal rights and protections for all workers.